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Are You Asking the Right Questions? ...A Year-End Reflection for Entrepreneurs

The Windshield is bigger than the Rearview

Look back to Leap Forward

The modern entrepreneur knows they need to pause, reflect, and course correct often.  

The modern entrepreneur knows that knowledge is only the beginning of the competitive edge.

The modern entrepreneur knows that applying that knowledge is the only thing that truly counts.

And the modern entrepreneur is willing to skill up & level up in clarity, confidence, and commitment.

In that spirit, and given the time of year, here are 7 important reflection questions to generate your own business intelligence to inform your 2025 strategy:


What moments this year made you feel most alive, and why?


Where did you spend much of your time, energy, and attention—and was it aligned with what matters most to you?


Who or what did you let go of this year that brought you space or peace?


How well did you respond to unexpected challenges or opportunities this year?


What are you most proud of from 2024?


If you were selling your business (or leaving your role and offered to train the new person) what would you want to clean up beforehand?


Who or what had the greatest positive influence on your life this past year, and how can you bring more of that into your life in the year ahead?


How effectively did you lead yourself and others this past year?


Reflect on the answers to these questions and detect the underlying theme.   Or glaringly obvious theme, perhaps! 

What is your big opportunity going into 2025? Name it as your theme.

Bring that forward and let that inform your 2025 strategy and leadership.  

It’s a great time to be alive!   And it’s a great time to be upscaling your vision, strategy, marketing and leadership.

What a great privilege we all have.  


Happy Holidays y’all!


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