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How to bring even more Ease & Flow (and enjoyment!) into your day...

Good day friends! It’s Monday…and I couldn’t help but think this particular quick exercise might serve y’all well today. See if you can find 4-5 minutes to try it for yourself. It’s about the nice easy feeling that ease & flow state brings to your present moment.

Try this today as you transition from one project / task to the next – a quick reset…

Have pen and paper with you. Start by taking a few relaxed breaths and thinking about the term ‘ease & flow’ - Repeat the term in your head a number of times until you sense the shift happening …you start to actually experience the sense of your own ease & flow more deeply. From this place, write down what comes to mind for you in terms of how you would be thinking, acting, and feeling differently – consistently. This place of “it’s all good”, “It can’t go wrong if I come from a good place – it can only go right”, and “this feels good”. What general thoughts come to mind about how you would be feeling, thinking, and acting. Jot them down.

And take it next level by exploring how would you handle a certain conversation that is on your mind from this place of your own ease & flow. How would you deal with a certain person this week from this place of ease & flow. How would you go about enjoying the process of your daily goals and tasks from this place of ease & flow. How much more content would you be at the end of your day from this place of ease & flow. How you might enjoy the daily process / grind from this place of ease & flow. How you might see everything as either a gift or opportunity, a chance to grow more from this place of ease & flow. Or how you might let go of things faster from this place of ease & flow.

If it’s ok, I’ll share the one I came up with this morning for me if it helps generate flow with your own:

“I feel a strong yet gentle flow of air on my face and thru my hair. I am floating and moving through time & space with pace, and easiness. I see in my mind’s eye that my face is so relaxed: eyes closed softly, no lines on my face, an easy smile. I’m present. Joyful. Light. I’m impacting others deeply and I continue to serve my mission. I am learning & growing consistently. I remain humble and honour my family & friends, and those family members who are passed that I love, by remaining in service and enjoying my chosen path. I am in flow. I am in ease. I am in peace. I am in love. I experience love deeply. From this place I attract the people and opportunities that fill my cup even more. I attract the kind of people that feel this and are seeking more of that feeling. Those who are growing even more curious about their own path and how to experience more ease, flow, joy and love each and every day. More ‘success’ – as they define & refine it for themselves. We support each other’s growth.”

…I could go on, but you get the picture.

I issue you a ‘Coach’s Challenge’ today – to take 4-5 minutes on your next break today as you move from one project/task to the next and do this exercise above. If you feel like you don't have the 4-5 minutes... that's a deeper sign to just do it. Unless you just don't want to of course. Breathe, relax, centre, then jot down a few things about your own ease & flow state. Then see if it makes you want to practice it more. Peace.

Yours in Progress,

Coach Chris

P.S. If you're feeling stuck somewhere or want to play a bigger & better game contact me and we'll have a no-obligation chat about it. You don't need to hire me for a single conversation... that's just how I roll. At your service.

Email, or my community members here can always text me direct & confidential at 250.668.7081.

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