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Happy New Year! ...more or less

Happy New Year! 🥳 …more or less. Let me explain.

I’ve said it before…and I’ll say it again – New Year’s Resolutions are dead. 😵

There’s a confluence of reasons why…not the least of which are that resolutions are stale (as a concept), resolutions are too big, stress levels are at all-time highs for many… and the most important reason – they just don’t work!We have all seen the stats. 80% of resolutions forgotten by end of January. 90% by the end of the year.

What’s interesting too is that nearly two-thirds of people feel pressure to create resolutions. …not great conditions for which to set important life goals.

My friend and colleague, coach Marc Scheff, shared with me what his family has done for a number of years, and I think it’s a great replacement for resolutions!It’s a game called ‘More or Less’.

You simply make a short list of 3 items you want MORE of. And a short list of 3 things you want LESS of. More _________, _________, and ___________. Less ________, _________, and __________.

And these items don’t have to be material items. They are actually more often qualities that we want to experience more of, or skills that we want to boost.

For example, one of my ‘more’ list items is consistency. I want to bring a simpler structure to my workday that has an even higher level of routine in it. A simpler list of ‘must do’s that will help my business continue to move forward, with even more joy & ease.There is so much substance in that statement for me because it means that I’ll get to (starting now!) be even more intentional about what I say “no” to. Clearer on what, and who, I’m saying “yes” to.

Perhaps you want more confidence. Or clarity. Or more time for relaxing. Or money / wealth. Or health. Or a better relationship or communication.

Less phone addiction. Or less binge watching to create space for a hobby that has been craving some of your energy.

Or be even more grateful each day for what you DO have, so that you can inject even more happiness into your daily experience.

The beauty of this game is that each list is naturally created quite quickly. It’s simple. The items will come up fast for you. At most it may take 5 minutes of writing a slightly longer list, then whittling it down to your top 3 items based on what resonates most for you.

The research shows that trying to commit to BIG HUGE changes on a dime just doesn’t work. It’s too big. It’s vague and can be overwhelming.

What DOES work is bite-sized, meaningful steps. And that’s what contemplating what a little more of, or a little less of, helps craft.

Whatever it is that you want some more or less of – it’s simply right in front of you already, just seeking some attention. Give it some. And jot them down.

Lastly, and this is so important, chunk the new action right into your schedule. Or write the quality / trait you want to experience down somewhere that you’ll see it each morning so that you can be intentional about it.

Set the reminder for each morning to connect with your ‘more or less’ item(s).

What you do NOT need to do is worry about all the HOW… about how exactly you will get it done. That will illuminate itself day by day, week by week.

Simply starting with a small first step and moving forward creates the rolling clarity you think you need right now.

Just start with the first step. A simple, quick, bite-sized practice. Have a reminder each morning of it.

The next steps will be illuminated. Happy New Year! More or less. 👍

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